About the brian Webb dance company

Established in 1979, the Brian Webb Dance Company’s (BWDC) annual seasons of contemporary dance celebrate THE ADVENTURE OF THE NEW!

We have always been motivated by our community. Our many collaborations have always reflected our local arts community.

These dance events have been performed at home, across Canada and in the United States.

In 1991, the BWDC began presenting other dance artists’ creations. We have been motivated by the diversity of dance created across Canada.

The many ways that the moving body may reflect its individual aliveness in the here and now, and the many ways it may express itself without boundaries is beautiful.

Our seasons celebrate this beauty as a most multifaceted expression of life!

Whether it is in our own creative processes or in the curation of dance seasons, we work to engage people through a broad definition of community in local, regional, national and global contexts.

Our communities are diverse with many points of view, and many cultural, social and personal perspectives at play, interacting with each other. This serious play is a prime motivator for us.

The BWDC is a community player. We see dance as a very broad definition of the body moving in time and space. Every person who feels the beat of their heart knows what dancing is.

How we translate the feeling into art is extremely multifaceted

Three summers ago, I was invited to witness a Northern Cree Sundance just west of Edmonton. This was a four day ritual that involved every member, young and old, of that community of people participating in this dance ritual. The drumming, the songs, the dancing and the individuals committing themselves to the Sun Dance transformed how I - as an artist and as a human being – came to understand the act of dancing. In a profound way, this experience has impacted how I as the curator of the BWDC seasons of contemporary dance, consider what the company will invite the public to experience in our offerings.

It is our hope the BWDC season provokes, entertains and really engages people in an authentic dancing experience.